Power Lines

PUC Transmission LP

PUC Transmission LP is a newly formed Ontario transmission company that will construct new transmission facilities in Sault Ste. Marie to connect Algoma Steel’s new Electric Arc Furnace project.


Quick General Facts About PUC Transmission LP

  • PUC Transmission was incorporated early 2021.
  • PUC Transmission was approved in October 2021 for a transmission licence by the OEB.
  • PUC Transmission will be investing in the order of ~$190 million to construct new transmission facilities that will provide power to Algoma Steel’s new electric-arc furnaces.
  • This new power supply to Algoma Steel will result in improved service for Algoma Steel and substantially lower carbon footprint for the community.
  • Construction of the facilities is anticipated to start by 2025, with completion anticipated by 2027.
  • The 230 kV transmission line will utilize single steel poles with side-post insulators to carry two circuits, each rated at 400MVA.
  • The line and station will supply Algoma’s new load of ~300MW.

New Line & Algoma Steel’s Arc Furnaces:

  • The new PUC 230 kV transmission line will convey electricity from Hydro One’s Third Line Station in the city’s north end to a new PUC transformer station in the west end, near Algoma Steel.
  • The new transmission facilities will support the steel plant and its $700 million project to build and operate two new state-of-the-art electric arc furnaces. Algoma Steel Inc. says its investment will lead to a 70 per cent reduction in carbon emissions.

Transmission Poles:

  • The poles will be approximately 40 meters tall and spaced approximately 200 meters apart
  • The poles will look like the steel poles currently situated on the south side of Lyons Avenue between Patrick Street and Korah Road, as shown in the picture below.

typical poles to be used for PUC Transmission Project

Figure 1: typical poles to be used for PUC Transmission Project (GoogleStreetView)

Positive Impacts:

  • The project will have a profound impact on the Sault, dramatically impacting our environment and the quality of air in the region.
  • It also brings significant benefits to PUC and returns to Sault Ste. Marie.

Public Impact and Engagement:

  • An Environmental Assessment (EA) is currently in progress.
  • Two online and two in-person public engagement sessions under the EA will be held in the spring and summer of 2022.

Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF):

Power lines and electrical products emit extremely low frequency electric and magnetic fields (EMF). Learn about the safety of power lines and electrical products. To find out more, please visit the Federal Government’s official website dedicated to power lines and electrical products.

Power lines and electrical products: Extremely low frequency electric and magnetic fields - Canada.ca

On this page







OEB approves PUC Transmission Application for New Line and Station
Posted: Aug 28, 2024
Approval marks significant milestone in journey towards a resilient and sustainable energy future for region
Continue reading OEB approves PUC Transmission Application for New Line and Stationread more
Notice of Completion of Draft Environmental Study Report and PIC #2
Posted: Jul 28, 2022
As the next step in the 230 kV Transmission Project, PUC Transmission LP (PUC) has completed a draft Environmental Study Report (ESR). This document outlines the Class Environmental Assessment (EA) process conducted to date and will be available for a 30-day public review and comment period, beginning on August 2nd, 2022 and ending on August 31st, 2022.
Continue reading Notice of Completion of Draft Environmental Study Report and PIC #2read more
NEW- PUC Transmission Station Option 1-A
Posted: Jun 24, 2022
As part of the overall Project planning process, PUC has been further evaluating the feasibility and merits of the locations proposed for the Substation. Based on a preliminary analysis, a number of technical and environmental constraints were identified for Station Options 1 and 2, resulting in a proposal for a new Station Option 1-A to be considered as part of the Class EA.
Continue reading NEW- PUC Transmission Station Option 1-Aread more
Notice of Study Commencement Open House
Posted: May 13, 2022
In-person and virtual open houses scheduled for May 26th and 31st.
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Notice of Study Commencement
Posted: Mar 30, 2022
Class Environmental Assessment to evaluate alternatives for a double circuit 230kV line and a 230/115/34.5 kV substation in the City of Sault Ste. Marie
Continue reading Notice of Study Commencementread more